So... wht else... ??? ...Is it reviews abt Great revolutionary movies like.. the Corporation or Comandante... I wud luv 2 write reviews of such movies... but my standard of watching movies... is yet 2 rise 2 that level.... lol...!!! So... i don want 2 lose... trying such things..
Hmmm... then.... ?? wht the hell am i goin2 tell... ?? Well... I am the one who decided my topic... It says "Impact On A Person"........ Better... I go with those words.... And "Movies" as well...!!
So... let me start with Movies...
"The Typical Introduction" :P
Movies..... As such... Influence a person in various ways... How does it ??
It all depends on how u take the movie 2 urself... This is what differs from person 2 person... It also differs with the same person over different periods of his growth as a person.... Thats what i mean by "The Journey".. as in the title... Almost everyone have gone through this journey... knowingly or unknowingly... So... let me take a case of a guy... and how movies influenced him .. Tats wht this entry is all About !!!
Reeling In.... "Flashback of the Guy" !!!
Way back.. Long Looong ago there was... a family comprising three.. parents and a child[boy]... This child was very obedient and good... As he is even now...!! He was around 3yrs at tat time... Watching Tv was his best time-pass. His favourite programme was " Oliyum Oliyum ".. the programme featured ... the latest movie songs. These songs .. its locations.. all fascinated him.. he had never seen them... These movies jus gave him a sneak preview of what world outside was( i meant the locations.. not the romance in the song.. he he ). As a matter of fact... not jus this child.. almost everyone of us...Saw many thing in movies... b4 actually experiencing or seing things in reality by ourselves..!!
His First Craze !!!
"Oliyum Oliyum" running... A new song... A man comes in dancing... He's quick.. wears a nice smile.. does many tricks inbetween songs....!! He looks very very Stylish... this child... immediately adores him... He becomes crazy about him in a few days... Never misses his songs and movie scenes...!! Whts his name ?????
Well no credits for any guesses...
Xactly... As u guessed long b4... its none other than the reigning "SUPERSTAR" Rajni...
[Thalaivaaaaa] !!!
Gradually... falling over 2 Rajni... like the other children... this child also... starts 2 imitate him.. ppl around njoys watching him imitate.. so does the child...!!! Till his primary schooling he performed as Rajni every year in his apartments' New Year Celebrations' function and also school Fancy dress competition...!!!
Well... This is the jus the first influence of movies on him...!!!
Hmmmm..... It was not a gr8 influence.... But it was the beginning !!!
His love for Rajni continued. One more thing started pulling him as well... Mickey Mouse And Cartoon Movies...!!!
Full of fantasy, world's never seen before, creatures and things never imagined about..
He exclaims "WOWWW... This "Superhuman"... he's really cool !! He killed the villain by flying through robots and striking bombs "..... mesmerizzzzed.
This part is nothing but watching cartoon movies.... His creativity... imagination really improved seein these...

So.. how xactly did it help him ???
Was he becoming a budding Fiction or Fantasy Story writer.... Definitely NOT !!! I know this child better than all... he doesn hav that much brains !!!
Then ??? Wht was the least thing he did ???
mmmm... He imagined worlds... creatures... and Mickey wearing his father's suit...

many many,,, he was into a new world. All Cartoonish.... But still its a progress !!
He suddenly thought... Why not jus try out sketching one of those creatures... He remembered Mickey's huge ears and chin very well.... Drew Mickey roughly... To his own Surprise... It did look somewhat looked like Mickey .. He was very happy abt it and showed it to his parents. They were happy and appreciated him.
He drew the same "Mickey"[with better ears]... the following day in school. His drawing teacher liked it. Patted him and encouraged him. Drawing talent grew in him over time and practice. The following year, he participated in many Drawing Competitions and won many as well... This child was happy to know that he too had some talents... this gave him confidence. Till then he was jus gaping at others in his school assembly happily clapping at his fellow class mates getting prizes.... Thnx to Mickey and all the cartoon movies...!!
He was into his 4th or 5th grade by now... Although movies never directly influenced him a lot till this stage of life... Imagining the early ages without movies and all entertainment... is very difficult.... and it did play transient but pivotal roles in his development as a child .
Jurassic Park... Oops ... Sry... JURASSIC PART !!!
This is the next stage of movies' influence on him.
One fine day (actually night) he was seeing a movie ... "The Jurassic Park". The things they showed in the movie looked so REAL.. but still everything seemed new, imaginative and Terrifying. Slowly...He went to his dad and asked " Dad.. Are these all real ??? " His dad replied in a very low tone " Yes... !! They are still there... They love attacking children.. and they will surely come after you.. if u continue doing your Maths exams badly in the final term as well ".

Horror striked for a moment... This child immediately confirmed it with his mother sitting on the other side... that they wont come after him.. he was happy only after that... After returning from the Sathyam Cinemas night show of this movie.. he hit the bed straight away... But still... he dreamt dinos and other creatures.. Terrified he woke up from his dream... at around 5 AM itself... and was awake after that fully...
Still petrified !!! So... Dinos... These creatures did frighten him a lot... But grew more curious about them.. The following day.. when he went to "Landmark"(a book shop in Apex Plaza) with his parents... he saw a book on dinosaurs... got dragged by it... And bought the book. He read the entire book fully once he reached home... He started becoming inquisitive about many things gradully... He slowly developed a habit of referring to info about anything and everything he got interested about.....!!! His general awareness or knowledge about many things grew a bit above the normal... And as time passed by... he became a competent Quizzer in his school... His quizzing skills did win him a few prizes....!!! He got more confidence... it helped him a lot..!!
Till his 9th grade... All movies he watched were merely.. Rajni.. Kamal.. Children's Movies in English and few comedy movies.. All through these years watching movies.. din really bring about a drastic change in him... But still unknowingly influenced him in many small small ways... which he hardly realized at that age....
During this age he saw quite a few movies... but mostly... the typical Commercial movies ... mostly Tamil ones... and few Hindi..!! He hated his Hindi teacher at school... thereby getting an aversion on Hindi as well... and saw very few movies in Hindi... He watched a series of all HIT commercial masala entertainer movies...
Slowly... he developed a taste for it... Although he never actually learnt anything from this movies... It was only through these movies... he saw all things like... LOVE... ROMANCE... ;).... Bla Bla.... He slowly became like....
His attitude was " Movies ought to be commercial... thats the only thing... rest all movies totally unneeded ... Jobless people only make pure cinema or meaningful cinema.... and even more jobless people only go and see it in the cinemas "... Tats the way he WASSS......

He first watched the movie "Minnale" with his friends... He still cherishes the pranks he played during the movie with his friends...
In this PART of the journey with movies and life.... He did watch a few english movies....But mostly action movies(again masala entertainers)... He din know what exactly pure cinema and classic movies... and jus din care 2 know it... He hated movies in english, which had more than 10 minutes of continuous dialogues....!!!
He completed schooling by then... Still being a commercial movie freak...
Actually... there's absolutely nothing wrong about liking such movies...
He felt all other movies ... were all Dumb... and a Total waste Of Time !!!
Till Now....
" Movies helped him figure out.....
How the WORLD, LIFE and PEOPLE AROUND are !!! ".
Later On....
" Movies helped him figure out.....
How he should look at the WORLD around
How he should deal with various things in LIFE
How he should behave with PEOPLE AROUND "
Movies... did change this guy a lot... He realized many things... also learnt many things watching movies....!!!
Movies.. really dont go about preaching people about things... But its upto the person 2 look out for what he needs... There can just be 4 attitudes for a person while watching a movie...
1. "Hey... It was entertaining... Who cares of logic and stuff.. I enjoyed it thoroughly"
2. "Hey... Absolutely no logic... It totally defies Common Sense and Science "
3. "Hey... It was a good movie... but why think about it... after all its just a movie"
4. "Hey... The movie was really inspiring... I really dont care if all the things in the
movie are real... But i learnt or realized many +ve things from the movie... may be even i should try to learn such good qualities i saw in it....!! "
Well... The attidude which this guy slowly developed was.... not jus the a single one among these.. ... Might be a mix of... 1... 2... and 4. Each depending on the movie... Also... all the three attitudes did come into picture in a single movie as well...!!! He watched the movie... 2 enjoy it... but still pick up few really inspiring things !! This attitude while watching movies... really helped him learn a lot from movies as well as enjoy it....
Gradually... He started watching quite a lot movies (mostly when he was free)... he watched a lot of good english movies... His favourites were plenty... He no longer felt 20 minute dialogues in classic movies.. as boring or dragging..
He also dint develop a sloppy attitude like " If i watch a movie... i should learn something" .... But subconsciously... he started to learn many things from movies !!!
Here begun His FINAL PART... of how movies influnced this guy !!!
His favourites are way too many.... But to mention a few....
The First and BEST OF ALL is undoubtedly.....
1. Anbe Sivam (2003)

Being a commercial movie freak during school... He dint watch this movie... He sacrificed his ticket for watching this movie and instead watched "Dhool"(another movie released in the same time).He watched this movie on DVD... nearly a year after its release...!!!!
He was totally stunned... This movie was clearly something more than just a movie for him... It was like a repository of great ideas and thoughts about LIFE and the journey through LIFE.. Those who have seen this movie.. will know what exactly this movie has... Many things actually.... This movie is an "ALL TIME CLASSIC" and simply awesome !!!
2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

This is yet another mind blowing movie, adapted from the short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption".
"Bad time" or "Hard Luck" does have its toll on people... People generally succumb to it .. rather than fighting it hard... This movie clearly shows... there is always a way out, even in the most worst and hopeless scenarios...
The special friendship which Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shared between them was also really good... There are more than a 100 minute things in this movie... worth mentioning...!!!
3. A Beautiful Mind (2001)

Pic : John Forbes Nash
Well... the taglines for the movie.. say it all...!!!
-The Only Thing Greater Than the Power of the Mind is the Courage of the Heart
-He Saw The World In A Way No One Could Have Imagined.
-I need to believe that something extra ordinary is possible...
This movie is a biographical film about John Forbes Nash, a Nobel Laureate (Economics)... A great mathematician who struggled with schizophrenia... and how he overcomes it all.... and becomes an extraordinary achiever .
A truly inspiring movie !!!
4. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness is a 2006 American biographical film about the on and off homeless salesman turned stockbroker Chris Gardner.
This movie shows clearly how 2 overcome obstacles... difficult times and emerge up in life..!!
It clearly emphasizes on "Never Give Up Attitude"...!!
Which is clearly the need of the hour.
5. Mozhi (2007)

A wonderful movie... A really nice movie.. Although this movie deals with a specially abled lady (Jyothika).. this movie doesnt express her struggle ..
But instead.. how she goes about life confidently... Not jus that.. this movie also has many hilarious moments... Which emphazises on the necessity of enjoying humour even in hard times !!
The role played by Prithviraj was inspiring as well... A lot could be learnt from that character as well...!!
Overall... This movie was a very good feel good entertainer !!!
6. A league of Comedy Movies like... " Michael Madhana Kamarajan ", " Panchathanthiram "... many more.... Vadivel... Koundamani... Vivek !!!
How come these movies... catch a position beside a list of ALL TIME CLASSIC movies...!!!
Well .. tats the power of humour... ALL these movies deal with real life situations and how humour can be found in it...!!!

Vadivel... Koundamani and Vivek's contribution has been really worth noting... They have really inspired people 2 enjoy their jokes and laugh aloud... And also develop a "Good Sense Of Humour" themselves..
Developing a good sense of humour.. by itself is a great a quality. And also its a real gift to have a good sense of humour.
It helped the guy.. to deal with small problems in an easier way and also to look at things around with more fun...!!!
Life cant get better,
If you have a good sense of humour... OR... Atleast have a person with a good sense of humour next to You.... :P
Movies did really influence the guy in many ways... Well... It was not the only thing that
influenced him in life... His attitude of learning good things from movie... took a slight modification... he started to look into the good and postive thing around as well.. everywhere... right from the people he meets... to the book he reads. His way of just looking at things changed drastically... This gradually made his life Happier and easy going and also develop the right attitude towards looking into things in life...!!!
LOTS... LOTS .... MORE 2 SAY....
HE HE... :)
Cya Guys !!!
Life's like An Ice Cream, Enjoy It before It Melts !!!
adeeeee scene da vasanth :-)this is superb...interesting story about a lazy but a damn brilliant guy.... brilliant....u lazy guy..
Very innovative narration ....great thinking vasanth...movies chosen as examples were perfect
Awesome post man.......Mind blowing..!!!
keep posting...
n 4 get 2 tel
very modest...!!!
he he...
dei sema post da.....super.....
but gettin a book after seein a movie la dei oer da....anyways sema writin ... n sema movie selection....super da...
great start!!!probably its the first step to get rid of the laziness..keep it goin!!cheers!!
really good da, u can become a director da i am sure u would make more sensible movies than the ones being made today.ur narration was really cool put together with the awesome compilation....
nice blog! really liked it! all that is missing is an apt title:
The Evolution Of a Film Connoisseur
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